
Friday 4 July 2014

Fascinating Facebook Mobile and Apps Statistics

Facebook has a lot of competition in the social networking world, however it is controlling the market with its continuous mobile app updates and new tools. With the development of the Messenger app and other relevant app, Facebook is attracting more mobile users.

Here are some interesting facts and statistics when it comes to Facebook mobile. 

What happens in just 1 minute on Facebook?

In my opinion, as thousands of new social media users log on every week, the number relating to the flow of information becomes ever more staggering. In one minute of Facebook, there are about 243,055 photos are uploaded by users, 13,888 apps installed, 50,000 links posted and 15,277,777 likes and shares button are viewed and shared on other websites. This just shows how obsessed with social media we are!

Ahmad, I. (23 June 2014). 15 Fascinating Facebeook Mobile and App Stats (Infogaphic). Socialmedia Today. Retrieved from

Ang Jia Xin

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