
Saturday 5 July 2014

Let Me Take A Selfie ;)

Photography is a hobby of many whether or not one has the skills. The especially popular form of photography is of course, ‘selfies’.  There was even an annoying song made about it! (refer to title ^_^)
A large number of photo editor apps are available for download for free in the PlayStore. One of the most popular ones is Camera360. 
This app allows you to choose from about a hundred different effects to enhance your photos. The degree of how much the effect would affect your photo can be adjusted in terms of percentage preventing your picture from looking too fake or photoshopped. 
It is a great app to turn any photo taken in less than ideal conditions to look presentable. It has specific features just for selfies and scenes to make your photo look more interesting. Besides that, any photo you edit can be uploaded straight from the app to whichever social media you want such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more!

Logo & Preset Camera Features

Available effects

Brian. (2014, June 16). Camera360 App Overview (Lumia 925). Retrieved from

Lim Chooi Yin

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