
Thursday 3 July 2014


From desktops to laptops, the easy web bug’s crawl has made it all the way to our palms, and its gathering speed as it goes up! Today, mobile web access is one of the trends of the current internet economy, with high percentage of their traffic from mobile devices. Website owners today are confronting the tasks of adapting to the rise of mobile. Mobile applications are now the most common way for people to involve themselves in digital media.

A mobile app is not the same as a mobile site. An app is downloaded into a tablet or smart phone and it lives there. A mobile site is nothing more than a set of WebPages that have been specially designed for mobile devices.

According to Dynamic Business, the use of mobile apps is increasing and more apps are being developed. However, the apps are costly to develop and manage. On the other hand, mobile sites are cheaper to manage and it is suitable for businesses on a tight budget.
The table below shows a thorough comparison between the apps and the sites.

In my point of view, mobile applications allow more functionality (barcode scanners, geo-location, easy downloads etc), while mobile sites have the benefits of engaging to casual mobile searchers and across various devices.

Zillman, S. (2014). Business Apps vs Mobile Optimised Sites: How to choose. Dynamic Business. Retrieved from: http:// (Last accessed: 1st July 2014)

Ang Jia Xin 

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