
Sunday 6 July 2014

Instagram as Social Media Toolbox to Promote Our Business

In today’s business world, some of the savvy business owners have started to use Instagram to reach new customers even though facebook is still dominating in the social media field. Here are the reasons for why business owners should choose Instagram as their social media toolbox:

1.    Instagram is one of the easiest social media tools to learn

-       It’s pictured-based. Small business owner like those boutique shop can take a photo of their latest product instantly as a catalogue and post it on Instagram.

2.    It can build our brand personality instantly for free

-        Instagram is the best choice to promote their product free of charge as small business owner are usually lack of financial resources.       

3.    The hashtag

-        The benefit of hashtag is that people can search our photo even though they are not our follower.

Here is the hashtag conversation between Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake :)

Chaet (2014) state that with 200 million active monthly users and 1.6 million “likes” daily, Instagram offers robust opportunities to grow your business and your bottom line.
As we can see from the power of the “likes” in Instagram, I believe that choosing Instagram as social media toolbox for small business is not a bad choice. However, they might have less chance of being spotted in Instagram as there are 200 million of active users, unless our product is a well-known brand, then people will started to search for our profile.


-Wong Wei Yee-

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