
Saturday 5 July 2014

Marketing: How Brands Embrace Instagram?

Instagram is the well-known mobile applications for sharing photos and videos instantly and is the social platform where we can get closer to celebrities, blogger, branded brands and etc. More than 16 billion photos have been posted on Instagram and with an average of 55 million uploaded each day. According to a report by a research firms, it shows that 92 percent of luxury brands who post an average of 5.5 times a week on instagram gain their customer base.

According to a survey, only 19 percent of marketers mentioned that they give Instagram a high priority in year 2014, whereas 23 percent said that they will not consider about it at all.
However, I have seen a numbers of marketers promote their brands through Instagram such as Nike, Puma and Adidas. Other than that, some of the marketers will promote their brands by sponsoring their product to bloggers or celebrities in order for them to promote their brand by capturing the product and post it and tag along the company’s name on Instagram.
In my point of view, Instagram is the best new platform for marketers to promote their brand by way of photograph. Marketers should have given Instagram a try with some of the tips that I am going to share now in order for them to gain customer base.

1.    Feature customers using your product 

Showing your follower or customer about how good is your product is a must. Marketers should follow their customer on Instagram so that they can get to know their customers’ satisfaction on their product.

2.    Take your fans behind the scenes

       Showing your customers behind the scenes of     
       the company can tighten the relationship
       between customer andy our brand.                                 

       We can share our feeling, seeing and thinking at
       the moment and provides followers a genuine   
       glimpse into our business life.
       Marketers should upload more random photos   
       happening in the working area in Instagram so
       that customers will keep their eyes open
       on your profile.

3.    Host contests and projects

Organizing a contest or a project is a great way to increase your brand’s visibility on Instagram. Furthermore, giving out free gifts is also a way to generate customer. Marketers can promote their project on Instagram so that the followers can promote to their friends as well. 

4.    Introducing new product


Customers are always excited for the launching of the next product by marketers. That is why marketers should have an Instagram account to let their followers to have a sneak peak of the new product so that it can drive awareness of customers.

5.    Power of hashtag

Hashtag is a great way to let your customer to simply notice your profile on Instagram. According to a report stated, 80 percent of brand posts contain more than one hashtag and there are averages three brand posts will have on Instagram.

TopShop is one of the brands that always use hashtag to encourage followers to adopt them in their posts. They are ranked of the top 10 hasgtagged brands and top 10 most popular brands on Instagram.

So, these are the tips that marketers should take it as a reference and I hope that this will help you to gain customer base on Instagram!


Gillett, R. (2014). How the most successful brands dominate Instagram, and you can too. Retrieved from

-Wong Wei Yee-

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