
Friday 4 July 2014

Tracking? Or stalking?

The startup company, Victorious is going to realease a new mobile apps that can let you "cyber-stalk" your favourite Youtubers.

Obtained from
Youtube has been really famous nowadays. Many youngsters like to share their thoughts and ideas on Youtube and slowly many people would like to follow up those famous Youtubers. However, follow up or in other words, 'cyber-stalking' could be really exhausting and tiring too.

This new mobile apps can let you get the latest updates, such as newest videos, Instagram pictures, tweets and so on from your favourite Youtubers. Without keep logging into Youtube and waiting for the lastest videos or updates from you famous Youtubers, you can easily get track with their lastest news by using this mobile apps.

I thought that this apps is actually quite convenient and easy for those fans. Also, it will be easier for Youtubers to gain more popularity or video views on Youtube, as keeping up your favourite Youtubers has been easier than before.

Anyone gets excited for this new apps?

For any comments or additional information that you would like to let us know, feel free to leave a comment below! :) Stay tuned for more updates about mobile apps on !

Thanks for reading.

Read full article at:

Chia Teng Wei

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